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Barkleys Chewing Gum Cinnamon Sugarfree 30 gr x 9 st Barkleys Chewing Gum Cinnamon

Barkleys Chewing Gum Cinnamon

Barkleys Chewing Gum Cinnamon Sugarfree 30 gr x 9 st
BARKLEYS Intense Chewing Gum is a unique range of strong, refreshing and long-lasting chewing gum with Xylitol (much better for teeth). Here, we offer you a very spicy chewing gum with a really intense cinnamon taste. Plus, they come in a cool and stylish 30gr box containing around 22 pieces!The box...
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Stock Beschikbaarheid
70 pack(s)

BARKLEYS Intense Chewing Gum is a unique range of strong, refreshing and long-lasting chewing gum with Xylitol (much better for teeth).

Here, we offer you a very spicy chewing gum with a really intense cinnamon taste.

Plus, they come in a cool and stylish 30gr box containing around 22 pieces!
The box protects against breakage and remains compact enough to fit in any pocket.

Barkleys Chewing Gum Cinnamon BARBARICH Barkleys Chewing Gum Cinnamon Sugarfree 30 gr x 9 st Barkleys Chewing Gum Cinnamon 4.5stars, based on 13 reviews on our Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/pg/barbarichconfiserie/reviews/ Prix Standard Web : 16.39 - En stock 16,39 €