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Faxe bier (10%) 1000 ml x 12 st Faxe 10%

Faxe 10%

Faxe bier (10%) 1000 ml x 12 st
Faxe 10% is a strong beer with 10% alcohol. The slight sweetness combined with the high alcohol percentage results in a balanced product with a vinous taste. Faxe 10% is free of additives and, unlike other very strong beers, it contains no added alcohol.
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Stock Beschikbaarheid
151 pack(s)

Faxe 10% is a strong beer with 10% alcohol. The slight sweetness combined with the high alcohol percentage results in a balanced product with a vinous taste. Faxe 10% is free of additives and, unlike other very strong beers, it contains no added alcohol.
Faxe 10% BARBARICH Faxe bier (10%) 1000 ml x 12 st Faxe 10% 4.5stars, based on 13 reviews on our Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/pg/barbarichconfiserie/reviews/ Prix Standard Web : 30.86 - En stock 30,86 €