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Barkleys liquorice 50 gr x 6 pc Barkleys liquorice

Barkleys liquorice

Barkleys liquorice 50 gr x 6 pc
Licorice is the root of the glycyrrhiza glabra plant from which a sweet flavor can be extracted. Licorice as an herb is also known for its medicinal qualities. Especially in ancient Greece, China and India, licorice was often used to treat various ailments. Licorice is widely used to treat coughs an...
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214 pack(s)

Licorice is the root of the glycyrrhiza glabra plant from which a sweet flavor can be extracted.

Licorice as an herb is also known for its medicinal qualities.

Especially in ancient Greece, China and India, licorice was often used to treat various ailments.

Licorice is widely used to treat coughs and bronchitis and is also known to combat indigestion and stomach disorders.

BARKLEYS Classic Liquorice combines the sweetness of licorice extract with the freshness of other natural ingredients.

Barkleys liquorice BARBARICH Barkleys liquorice 50 gr x 6 pc Barkleys liquorice 4.5stars, based on 13 reviews on our Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/pg/barbarichconfiserie/reviews/ Prix Standard Web : 9.94 - En stock 9.94 €